Tuesday, June 20, 2006


As I said in my last post ‘working for your money’ is fast becoming a lost attribute.

Imagine someone sitting in front of a fireplace and saying :Come on Fireplace give me heat and then I will put some wood in.” Doesn’t that sound ridiculous? Well isn’t that what we do when we ask for results without putting in the work?

Whether you are investing or building a business some work is required.

With investing the more knowledge you have (see: Investing Is Not Risky) the better chance you have of making some money. When you leave it to somebody else do you think they will take care of ‘Your’ money better than you? So go do some work and learn before you invest.

If you are building a business then put in some work just like you do at your job where you are working for someone else. And read my next post!

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